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Amazon Associates - Amazon’s affiliate marketing program
Welcome to one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic. With millions of products and programs available on Amazon, associates use easy link-building tools to direct their audience to their recommendations, and earn from qualifying purchases and programs.
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Join tens of thousands of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with the Amazon Associates Program.
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Join tens of thousands of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with the Amazon Associates Program.
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Join tens of thousands of creators, publishers and bloggers who are earning with the Amazon Associates Program.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Associates Program work?
You can share products and available programs on Amazon with your audience through customized linking tools and earn money on qualifying purchases and customer actions like signing up for a free trial program. Learn more.
How do I earn in this program?
You earn from qualifying purchases and programs through the traffic you drive to Amazon. Commission income for qualifying purchases and programs differ based on product category. Learn more.
How do I qualify for this program?
Bloggers, publishers and content creators with a qualifying website or mobile app can participate in this program Learn more.
If you're an influencer with an established social media following,
learn about the Amazon Influencer Program.
How do I sign up to the program?
Sign up to the program here.
We will review your application and approve it if you meet the qualifying criteria. Learn more.

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